The Natural Path to Menopause Joint Pain Relief—Our Top 5 Remedies - Cannabotech CBD Oils & Products Articles

The Natural Path to Menopause Joint Pain Relief—Our Top 5 Remedies

Babafemi Adebajo - Writer for Cannabotech
By Babafemi Adebajo
Petar Milenkovic - Editor for Cannabotech
Edited by Petar Milenkovic

Updated April 14, 2023.

Elderly woman sitting cross-legged on the floor massaging wrists while dealing with menopause joint pain

Menopause is the period of cessation of a woman’s menstrual cycle, usually diagnosed after you have missed your menstrual cycle for about 12 months. Menopause comes with many symptoms, including vaginal dryness, itching, anxiety, depression, and joint pain.

Changes in levels of hormones like oestrogen results in joint pain and discomfort that can occur in any joint, including the lower back, knees, feet, shoulders, and hands, significantly impacting your quality of life. Pain can worsen if not treated early enough, and you can do so either conservatively using natural means or with drugs (pharmacological means).

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Menopause Joint Pain—Our Top 5 Natural Remedies

We have compiled a list of 5 natural remedies that can help you relieve your menopause joint pain from the comfort of your own home.

1. Try Natural And Herbal Remedies for Joint Pain in Menopause

CBD oil, functional mushrooms, and herbal remedies are helpful in managing menopausal joint pain. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, pain-relieving effects, and may even reduce anxiety and promote sleep (3)(4)(5)(6). Functional mushrooms appear to have similar effects on inflammation (7).

Best Supplements for Menopause Joint Pain—Our Recommendations

  1. Unwind Muscle Rub
  2. Unwind Tablets
  3. Unwind Drops

All of our products contain our unique M2CBD blend that contains pharmaceutical-grade CBD, various functional mushroom extracts, and other therapeutic compounds that can help relieve pain, promote sleep and recovery, and reduce anxiety, all of which are conditions of menopause.

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2. De-Stress to Alleviate Menopause Joint Pain Symptoms

Menopause increases the risk of inflammation due to lower oestrogen levels. Stress leads to additional inflammation in the joints because it causes an increase in cortisol levels (1). To relieve pain, learning how to de-stress is essential.

You can manage stress by making lifestyle adjustments such as reducing screen time, taking naps between work, practising solitude through mindfulness and meditation, and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and sugary food/drinks.

Supplement Support: Relax Drops

Part of the My Being Triple System

  • Packed with pharmaceutical-grade CBD
  • Contains a unique functional mushroom and herbal mix
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Controls emotions and clears the mind

Relax Drops

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3. Try Magnesium and Other Supplements for Menopause Muscle and Joint Pain

Magnesium also helps with stiffness, joint pain, and muscle pain since it has effects on bone strength and inflammation (2). With reduced oestrogen levels, baseline magnesium levels reduce as well, leading to conditions like osteoporosis, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, and possibly depression.

As such, increasing the uptake of magnesium will keep bones strong and inflammation levels low, helping to calm the nervous system. It also positively affects heart health, especially when taken with calcium or vitamin B6.

You can get more magnesium by altering your diet and consuming more foods like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, and spinach. Great sources of calcium include milk and other dairies, as well as leafy greens. Vitamin B6 is found in poultry, fish like tuna and salmon, and chickpeas.

Additional Supplement Support: Fortify Tablets

  • Rich in calcium, pairs well with magnesium
  • Helps protect bones and joints
  • Packed with pharmaceutical-grade CBD
  • Contains a unique functional mushroom formula

Fortify Tablets

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4. Regular Exercise as Menopause Joint Pain Relief

Some of the best exercises to alleviate menopause joint pain include the following:

  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Stretching exercises
  • Strengthening exercises

Several studies have shown that exercise has a positive effect on menopause joint pain in most women. Consider, for example, that weight gain is a symptom of menopause, and extra weight can put more pressure on your joints and muscles, leading to more pain. Stretching and strengthening exercises can help shed excess weight while also strengthening your joints, muscles, and bones.

Supplement Support: Bliss Massage Oil

  • Packed with pharmaceutical-grade CBD
  • Contains a unique functional mushroom and herbal mix
  • Relaxes tired and tensed muscles
  • Suitable for any physical activity

Bliss Massage Oil

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5. Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet to Ease Menopause Joint Pain Symptoms

A good place to start is to track what you eat by keeping a food diary. Some specific examples of food that can ease inflammation include:

  • Fatty fish
  • Broccoli
  • Walnuts
  • Spinach
  • Berries

It may also be helpful to incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet to counteract the rising inflammation levels. From taking less refined sugar to reducing salt intake, eating more plant-based meals and less meat, you must pay attention to your meals.

Supplement Support: Reverse Tablets

  • Eases and prevents further inflammation
  • Promotes normal liver function
  • Packed with pharmaceutical-grade CBD
  • Contains a unique functional mushroom formula

Reverse Tablets

(+FREE 100ml Bliss Oil - Save £49)

Check With Your Medical Provider

Menopause joint pain may be inevitable but it can be controlled. Natural remedies like exercise, lifestyle and dietary changes, destressing, and intake of magnesium can all help control menopausal joint pain.

Due to the nature of some of these natural remedies like CBD oils, you should consult a doctor before combining any medication with CBD. Though they are widely considered low risk, there's no guarantee how you will personally react to new supplements.